Our Mission




In today's day & age, it's easier than ever to put on a front and be someone you aren't. Whether it's through social media, the professional world, or socially, one of the hardest thing to do is be yourself... Your AUTHENTIC self at that. Your self that you were created you to be. Not one driven by what pleases others, but driven by what fulfills you internally. Authenticity isn't easy. It's extremely hard especially when your surrounded by people who combat that. What UNCNFRMITY wants to promote is authenticity & uniqueness. 99% of people won't be themselves in a conforming environment. 99% of people won't seperate themselves from the crowd to work on their craft. 99% of people conform. Now this doesn't mean riding solo, but it does mean being conscience about who you are & what you give your energy towards. UNCNFRMITY isn't selfish, but it is AWARE.